Criminology and Criminal Justice Undergraduate Program

Police officer talking to student during Cops on Campus event.

Be part of the solution for a better world

Study all things crime – where it happens, how often it happens and why. Gauge crime’s impact on society and ways to limit or prevent it. 

Join the criminal justice leaders of tomorrow

Degree options

Program information
Explore the criminology program and paths to complete your degree.

Have professional training in criminal justice?

Take advantage of your hard work.

You may be able to receive academic credit for criminal justice training toward the bachelor's degree (major) in criminology and criminal justice.

Enhance your degree with a certificate

Stand out in the criminology field. Certificates give you extra specialization.

Two students reading through paperwork in a courtroom.
Students discussing victim advocacy.

Criminology students working together at Juvenile Justice Center in Springfield, Missouri.
Careers and outcomes
Stop crime and bring justice where it’s needed.

Value matters

And we have it. Our program has earned national recognition. 

Distinction badge: Best online colleges for value. Awarded to Missouri State University’s criminal justice undergraduate program by SR Education Group.       Distinction badge: Most affordable online colleges. Awarded to Missouri State University’s criminal justice undergraduate program by SR Education Group.