Victim Advocacy Undergraduate Certificate

A criminology student talking to another student while seated at a table in Strong Hall.

Explore the profession of victim advovacy

As a victim advocate, you can be a vital source for legal services and support.

Help people affected by violence, abuse, trauma and other crime. Develop the key skills you need to help victims.

Careers and outcomes: Where do victim advocates work?

In the aftermath of crisis, you can aid the recovery process.

This certificate not only explores the victim advocacy profession, but gives you the personal skills you’ll need as well: communication, listening, cultural awareness and self-care.

You can find work in careers fields like:

  • Courts
  • Government
  • Health care
  • Legal offices
  • Police departments
  • Social services and non-profits


Choose your certificate

  1. Become a Bear: Apply to Missouri State (if you're not already a current student).
  2. Contact the Academic Advising and Transfer Center to declare a certificate in victim advocacy.